This article or section contains unconfirmed content that is subject to change.
It contains content that is not officially confirmed by Cloud Imperium. No source has been specified. You can confirm the content by editing it. See for other pages that still need to be reviewed.
This documentation is transcluded from Modèle:Unconfirmed/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
{{Unconfirmed}} is used to mark pages with unconfirmed information that is not confirmed by Cloud Imperium (e.g. leaks, datamined content not from current game file), categorizing them in Category:Pages with unconfirmed content.
Type {{unconfirmed}}
on the page.
Aucune description.
Paramètre | Description | Type | État | |
Source | 1 | Short text on where the information is sourced from | Chaîne | suggéré |
Target type | 2 | What is this template targeting? (e.g. page, section) | Chaîne | suggéré |